SHARK Host Link Error Codes

Error Code Description
9000 Script execution error
9001 XSLT Transformation error
9002 Order line import error
9003 New order imported
9004 Article master data updated
9005 Article master data update failed
9006 New replenishment order sent
9007 New replenishment order imported
9008 New inbound order created
9009 New inbound order line created
9010 New order line created
9011 New replenishment order line created
9012 Replenishment order check failed
9013 Commit order
9014 Commit order line
9015 Commit order error
9016 File imported
9017 Shark Link is started
9018 Error running acknowledge script
9019 Shark Link setup error mode
9020 Error reading commit lines from database
9021 Folder not found
9022 Script file not found
9023 Input file is missing
9024 Inventoring result failed
9025 File move error. This might be due to access rights to the folders or another program that locks the file.
9026 Error in data
9027 Error reading order
9028 File not found
9029 Error reading file
9030 Error due to missing parameter
9031 Error
9032 Data conversion error
9033 Stock adjustment
9034 Article master data is deleted
9035 Article master data delete failed. Might be because the article is in use.
9036 Commit a pick cart
9037 Article rename failed
9038 Article renamed
9039 Order draft imported
9049 Order redirected
9050 Order is deleted
9051 New inventory order
9052 New inventory order line
9053 Stock report error
9054 Commit an order line with a difference
9055 Order line cancelled
9056 Order line cancel failed
9057 Order cancelled.
9058 Order cancel failed.
9059 Automatic store.
9060 Error - Thread is dead.
9061 Stock adjustment error.
9062 File access error.
9063 Order is re-opened. Typical an existing and finished order that is imported again.
9064 Article master data error.
9065 Out folder is not empty.
9066 Stock report generated.
9067 Commit is delayed.
9068 Confirmation delayed.
9069 Importing file.
9070 Error executing database stored procedure.
public static final int STORED_PROCEDURE_EXECUTED = 9071;
public static final int STORED_PROCEDURE_EXECUTION_FAILED = 9072;
public static final int FileSend = 9073;
public static final int BOX_LOCKED = 9074;
public static final int BOX_UNLOCKED = 9075;
public static final int BOX_LOCKED_ERROR = 9076;
public static final int PACKAGE_SIZE_ACK_START = 9077;
public static final int PACKAGE_SIZE_ACK_END = 9078;
public static final int NUMBER_CONVERSION = 9079;
public static final int NO_CONFIG = 9080;
public static final int INVOICED = 9081;
public static final int ORDER_UNDER_PREPARATION = 9082;
public static final int FILE_IMPORT_ERROR = 9083;
public static final int FILE_IMPORT_MOVE_FILE = 9084;
public static final int FTP_OPEN_ERROR = 9085;
public static final int FTP_COPY_ERROR = 9086;
public static final int FTP_CLOSE_ERROR = 9087;
public static final int FTP_ERROR = 9088;
public static final int ORDER_REPLACED = 9089;
public static final int ORDER_NOT_FOUND = 9090;
public static final int IMPORT_FOLDER_NOT_ACCESSIBLE = 9091;

// JDBC database connection status codes
public static final int JDBC_CONNECTION_ERROR = 9100;
public static final int JDBC_DISCONNECT_ERROR = 9101;
public static final int JDBC_SQL_PREPARE_ERROR = 9102;
public static final int JDBC_SQL_EXECUTE_ERROR = 9103;
public static final int JDBC_ERROR_PROCESSING_DATA = 9104;

// MQ and AS400 status codes
public static final int MQ_ERROR_READING_QUEUE = 9200;
public static final int MQ_ERROR_OPEN_QUEUE = 9201;
public static final int MQ_ERROR_CLOSE_QUEUE = 9202;
public static final int MQ_CONNECTED = 9203;
public static final int MQ_DISCONNECTED = 9204;
public static final int MQ_MESSAGE_READ = 9205;
public static final int MQ_MESSAGE_INTERPRETATION_ERROR = 9206;
public static final int MQ_ERROR_ESTABLISHING_CONNECTIO_TO_QUEUE = 9207;

// AS400 Data Queue
public static final int DQ_DATAQUEUE_CONNECT_ERROR = 9220;

public static final int COLLI_RECEIVED_FAILURE = 9300;

public static final int TRANSPORT_OPEN_ERROR = 9400;

public static final int CG_SERVICE_RESTART = 9500;
public static final int CG_SERVICE_RESTART_ERROR = 9501;

// Scheduler
public static final int JOB_EXECUTION = 9601;
public static final int JOB_EXECUTION_ERROR = 9602;
public static final int BACKUP_CREATED = 9603;
public static final int JOB_EXECUTED_SUCCESSFULLY = 9604;

// Documents
public static final int DOCUMENT_EXPORTED = 10000;
public static final int DOCUMENT_EXPORT_FAILED = 10001;

public static final int REST_ORDER_IMPORTED = 11000;
public static final int REST_ORDER_FAILED = 11001;

public static final int RESTAPI_GET_REQUEST = 12000;
public static final int RESTAPI_POST_REQUEST = 12001;
public static final int RESTAPI_DELETE_REQUEST = 12002;
public static final int RESTAPI_PUT_REQUEST = 12003;
public static final int RESTAPI_ERROR = 12100;