Driver for CompactLift G2

The CompactLift Shark Control Module is designed for the controlling the Weland Vertical Lift “CompactLift”. It requires the Weland software CompactTalk to be installed on the server (where Shark Control is running) to work.

The following options are supported:

Twin mode

Twin is a feature that allows a tray to be fetched while another one is in the opening. It is fully supported by Logisoft from build 1599.

The Twin mode can only be activated when the CompactLift is idle. This means no trays in opening or elevator. This means that if Logisoft is restarted with trays in the opening, the might be problems in changing the mode. The Logimat left the LogiDual mode, if Logisoft is restarted.

Configuration of the Twin mode:

1. A global flag, called UsePrefetch, must be enabled to support the LogiDual mode.

Setting the “prefetch” flag, makes the system generate a list of the next expected trays to come. The is used by the Twin feature to prefetch trays.

2. For each CompactLift, the Twin mode must be enabled. It can be done by the CompactLift configuration panel or directly in the Registry|:

How to test Twin

It is possible to check if Shark Control is able to fetch twin mode trays by a simple command that can be reach using the telnet interface or from the Device Server screen.

The command is called “Dual <tray>, <next tray>

For example:

This will fetch tray 3 and tray 4 as dual mode tray from the CompactLift called “011”.


CompactLift IP Address

The CompactLift must be configured with a fixed IP address.

Login as service user (2472) :

Select Setup

Change the IP address:

Save and accept to overwrite the flash memory.



Use the document Configuration Manual Compact Talk V2.pdf to configure CompactTalk.

If CompactTalk is installed successfully, it will be possible to access the web service interface using the URL:

Using the CompactLift


The configuration of the module is done in the Shark Registry under:

devices.verticallifts.<module name>

Registry Parameter Values Description  
Type CompactLift    
Connection http://localhost:20012 Name of the server where CompactTalk is installed. Only “localhost” is working.  
Unit <name of lift in CompactTalk> This is the name of the lift in CompactTalk, eg. “H1”.  
Partition <partion in CompactTalk> A way of making “zones” in CompactTalk. At least one partion will exist.  
Turbo True false True if Twin option is available.
HasLaserPointer True false True if a light pointer/bar option is available.